Welcome to EduThirdSpace: The Newsletter!
Why “EduThirdSpace”?
EduThirdSpace stands for "Education in the Third Space". The third space is the space in between, or that overlaps with, two distinct spaces, such as work and home. In the education sector, the third space where new ideas can emerge. This platform is named EduThirdSpace because it is a space where ideas about education that deviate from, or overlap with, how mainstream discourse defines and describes education can be explored.
What is EduThirdSpace?
Samantha Hedges decided to start this platform to explore topics related to education. Specifically, this platform aims to answer the questions: What is education? Where does it occur? Who gets to decide? All too often, the term education is conflated with school. But the process of education and being educated does not solely occur in school. It can happen in a variety of setting, through a variety of means, throughout one's life. This platform is a space to explore how people define education and where and how people get educated.
Who is Samantha?
EduThirdSpace's lead writer and editor, Samantha, is a scholar of the politics of education. She is broadly interested in the political nature of education, and specifically interested in the purpose of education and how decisions are made for education. She taught for Chicago Public Schools, worked for non-profit organizations focused on issues related to education, and received her Ph.D. in Education Policy Studies from Indiana University.
You can follow her on Twitter @EDUthirdspace. She has written for Areo, RealClearEducation, Discourse Magazine, National Review, Chalkboard Review, OC Register, and Heterodox Academy on issues related to education and has been published in academic journals.
How can you join the EduThirdSpace conversation?
Subscribe to the newsletter! The newsletter is a mixed bag of insights on education. It includes commentary, reviews, analysis of research and policy, and/or collections of interesting articles found on the web. When you sign up for a free subscription, you will receive the weekly newsletter. If you like what you read, become a paid subscriber (for the LOW cost of $5/week or $30/year) to receive content not available to the public and access to the EduThirdSpace community.
EduThirdSpace is also a podcast. The podcast is in hibernation for now, but you can find past episodes here.
Again, welcome, and enjoy the third space! If you find value in the content published on this site, share it with friends, family, colleagues, or those who need to be convinced of the arguments made.