What is EduThirdSpace?

EduThirdSpace (Education in the Third Space) is a publication that explores education within and outside of schools, the different ways people think about education and being educated, and the role that human nature plays in how we understand and act upon education.

You will read takes on questions like: 

What do we mean when we say education? Are we talking about instruction within a school? The accumulation of knowledge through discovery? Learning a skill or trade? 

What does it mean to be educated? Demonstration of the ability to speak and be understood? Having a bank of knowledge and the skills to act on it? Understanding and being able to navigate the world?

And what role does human nature play in how we think about education and become educated? Does one understand education differently based on their innate faculties? Likewise, does one approach learning differently based on their innate characteristics?

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If you join as a paid subscriber (currently paused), you will have access to:

  • Posts outlining how the world's most influential thinkers define education and what it means to be educated.

  • Profiles of individuals from a range of backgrounds giving their take on what it means to be educated and organizations and businesses with a different perspective of education than what is typical of traditional public schools.

  • Everything offered to free subscribers.

  • The comments section.

Free subscribers receive:

  • Monthly articles covering an array of education-related topics, from commentary on news and trends to book discussions to research summaries.

  • Education-related books, articles, letters, and so forth in their entirety from thinkers like Charlotte Mason, John Dewey, and Plato.

  • Occasional access to profiles.

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Exploring human nature, education, and how they intersect


I am the creator of Young Wanderers, a reading program for curious children, and scholar of the politics of education. I write about the big questions: What is education? What does it mean to be educated? What is human nature's role in education?