Children absorb information and culture
Education according to Maria Montessori
"We shall be confronted by a child not as he was considered before a powerless being an empty vessel that must be filled with our wisdom. His dignity will arise in its fullness in front of our eyes as he reveals himself as the constructor of our intelligence, as the being who, guided by the inner teacher, in joy and happiness works indefatigably, following a strict time-table, to the construction of that marvel of nature: MAN. We, the human teachers, can only help the great work that is being done, as servants help the master." - Maria Montessori
Maria Montessori was an Italian physician and educator. Her philosophy of education was rooted in individual, experiential learning in an environment designed for children. Her method of education was initially geared toward preschool-age children, but it gained popularity with, and was applied to, educators serving older ages and school grades. Many schools, from preschool onward, have cropped up around the world following her method and bearing her name.
Montessori did not find the transmission of knowledge alone to be an effective method for educating children1. Writing during wars times in Europe, she noted that this method had been tried and failed.